Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Bikin Keramik di F.Widajanto
Berkunjung ke padepokan F.Widajanto yang kesohor itu... letaknya di Ciganjur...dekat rumah sih... tapi baru kesampaian berkunjung sekarang... Bikin keramiknya pakai cetakan, kalau mau bikin sebangsa gelas juga bisa, pakai meja putar n tanah liat-nya dibasahi, hmm... tingkat kesulitan lebih tinggi daripada bikin pakai cetakan.
Belajar bikin keramik Rp 70.000,-/paket, maksudnya mereka memberi segumpal tanah liat, terserah kita mau bikin keramik model apa, pokoknya bahan yang disediakan segumpal itu.
Kalau kita bikin model kecil", jadinya banyak... tapi kalau modelnya yg besar, tentu hasil jadinya sedikit.
Setelah selesai membentuk berbagai model, keramik 1/2 jadi tersebut kita tinggal, pihak F.Widajanto akan memberi warna dan membakarnya, seminggu kemudian keramik kita bisa diambil.
Tempatnya ngga ada papan nama, tapi begitu lewat pagarnya... kita udah tau aja kalau itu rumahnya F.Widajanto... 'khas' banget n hijau royo-royo...
Sebelum masuk kita harus beli tiket dulu Rp 10.000,-/orang. Tempatnya luas banget n rimbun banget, walaupun Jakarta lagi panas, tapi ngga terasa gerah... ada beberapa rumah, ada yg dijadikan galery... ada toko pernak-pernik... ada restaurant.
Restaurant nya aja unik... terbuka... cuma ada satu menu, tergantung hari apa kita pergi... piringnya dari anyaman bambu dialasi daun pisang, pewanginya bunga" segar, alami banget...
Krucil ngga sabaran banget mau belajar bikin keramik, gw sih lebih suka liat tanaman apa yg bisa ditanam di Brigif... ;D (biasa... cari tanaman gratis...). Sebenarnya pengen juga belajar bikin keramik, pengen bikin pot tanaman, haha... Tapi pas lihat, koq ya malas berkotor-kotor ria ya.. ;D
Abi lagi tidur"an, sementara Alee n Gaia lagi ngintip... Aldo lagi ngintip juga dari jendela...Rumah Keramik Tanah Baru ini sebagai alternatif liburan di seputaran Jakarta, bisa menghubungi ke nomor telepon (021) 775 7685/6. Alamat lengkap di Jl. Curug Agung No.1, Tanah Baru, Beji, Depok.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Contact Lenses on Vacation - 7 Simple Tips
When you are on vacation, contact lenses are great convenience - they are invisible and you don’t have to take them off while swimming. However, contact lenses can also spoil your vacation, if you don’t take precautions. Here are some simple things you can do, to prevent it happening to you.
1. Make sure that you have a spare pair of lenses
Even if the lenses you wear aren’t frequent replacement lenses, it is always recommended that you have spares. A lens can get lost or damaged, and replacements might be difficult to find. If you wear daily disposable lenses, take the amount of lens you need for your vacation plus several extra - just in case.
Most brand name solutions can be bought in smaller bottles, which are excellent for traveling. And you can get a case that clips onto a solution bottle, so the pieces don’t get separated in your luggage.
3. Don’t let water in your eyes when swimming
Contact lenses are great for swimming and all water sports, but it is best to prevent their contact with water. However, water contains myriads of bacteria, which can get onto your lens and cause keratitis. So it is best to wear tight goggles, when swimming. If seawater gets into your eyes anyway, you should take your lenses out as soon as possible and clean them before putting them back in.
4. You still need sunglasses
Most modern contact lenses, like all Acuvue or Focus lenses, block harmful UV rays. However, the lens only can protect the area it covers, which is not the entire surface of your eye. Also, contact lenses don’t reduce glare. So it is safest to wear sunglasses with high UV protection over your lenses, and a sunhat.
5. Don’t neglect caring for your lenses
If you are tired after a day of sightseeing, it might be tempting to fall asleep still wearing your contacts. This is not a good idea - unless you wear extended wear lenses, of course. No matter how tired and relaxed you feel, take your contact lenses out for the night. See tips for contact lens and eye health
If you don’t want to care for your contacts during vacations at all, ask your doctor if extended wear contacts would suit you. Acuvue 2 can be worn without removal for up to 7 days, and Focus Night and Day for up to 30 days; they are great for vacations.
6. Be careful with sunscreen creams and insect repellants
Be very careful to avoid getting sunscreen or insect repellant in your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, it can cause serious irritation. If this happens, take your lenses out and give them a good clean.
7. Wear glasses on long flights
During long flights, most contact lens wearers feel miserable. This is because in an airplane, both atmospheric pressure and humidity are low. As a result, your soft contact lenses dehydrate and draw moisture from your eyes. Many people also nap during a flight, and sleeping in contacts isn’t recommended. If you can wear glasses as well as contacts, it is a good idea to do so in the plane. If glasses are not an option, use special eye drops and make sure you drink plenty of water during your flight.
Keep these simple rules in mind when going on vacation, and your contacts shouldn’t cause any problems to prevent you enjoying your holidays.
About the Author
Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of Contact Lenses Consumer Guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures
Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of Contact Lenses Consumer Guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures
Tanya Turner
Fly Fishing Vacations for your sanity
Fly fishing vacations are advertised all over the Internet,in magazines, and wherever fishing related activities aretaking place. Your choices are limited only by your budget.
Fly fishing vacations on a budget
Speaking of budgets, if your wallet isn't amenable to spendingbig bucks on a fly fishing vacation, you'll have to look carefully at the options available. Most professionally run fishing vacations will cost you dear, but there are a few bargains out there.
Decide firstly what you want from your vacation. If you expectthe professional to supply all your gear, you will pay for iteither in hidden costs or as an added extra.
A boating trip will cost more than a simple wading trip. A camping trip will be less than one where you stay in cabinsor hotels.
If you hire a guide to show you the ropes, be prepared topay for him or her. The upfront costs will usually not includegratuities. The advantage of a guide is having someone who knows the waters and who can direct you to spots where fishare found. (No guarantees).
If you are paying money for your fly fishing vacation, you should have certain expectations. Do some homework before youcommit so that you won't be disappointed.
Check out exactly what you will be getting for your bucks.Are there hidden costs involved? Don't plan on catching yourdinner every night; the fish might not cooperate.
There are vacations suitable for families with young children.Others are aimed at target groups. Women only fly fishing vacations are offered regularly, as are those targeting youth groups.
A vacation for the novice fisherman is not likely to excitethe experienced pro. Likewise the novice will soon be disillusioned if signed up for a vacation where instruction is beyond his or her capabilities.
What's available in fly fishing vacations?
Fly fishing vacations are available throughout the States andinternationally also. Prices range from the hundreds of dollarsper night to the thousands of dollars for multi-night stays.
Your fly fishing vacation might include a full day seminar followed by a day or two on the river to practice what you'velearned. Other vacations are purely the get out and fish type.Some vacations are float trips where you'll have the opportunityto cook your catch in the evenings over a campfire and talk about the ones that got away. Other trips are catch and release only, so you'll need a camera to record your successes.
Fly fishing vacations are sometimes offered at ranches where there is private water. This might be a privately owned portionof a river or stream or it could be a large lake or pond that has been stocked with trout. Often these privately owned watershave a catch and release provision.
What you should know before you leave on your fly fishing vacation
Before you leave on your fly fishing vacation, make sure that you have a confirmed list of the inclusions offered in your itinerary. If possible, find out what others have said about the operators of the program.
If you are taking your own tackle, make sure that it is suitable for the waters you will be fishing. Find out if youcan purchase anything you might need at the site.
A fly fishing vacation might not be paradise personified, but it is sure darned close. If you have done your homework and everything falls into place you'll have your office colleagues wondering about the smile on your face when your return to work.
About the Author
Dale East is a long time outdoorsman and fly fisher and publisher of Fly Fishing Wyoming
Dale East is a long time outdoorsman and fly fisher and publisher of Fly Fishing Wyoming
Dale East
Are Your Family Vacations Fun and Relaxing?
How many of you have seen the classic Chevy Chase movie, ‘National Lampoon’s Vacations’? If you haven’t then you should, but if you have (and are probably laughing right now), then you’ll remember the mishaps the Griswold family went through traveling across country to Wally World Theme Park.
Well, family vacations don’t have to be that way. With a little planning, you can ensure little headaches, relaxation, and most important, fun!!
With that being said, here are some top tips for having a great family vacation?
**Plan ahead. Get all the guides, maps, & information you can get your hands on. If you travel with kids, sit down and plan out things to do, see, and so forth. It can be a fun thing to do before you leave and get everyone excited about the trip. For kids, renting movies (Disney, Vacation movies) can be fun also. Although the Griswold’s had a heck of a time and planned ahead, be sure you know what to do in crazy circumstances- have a plan.
**How are you getting there? Taking your own car may pose problems. We typically fly, but if you decide to drive, weigh out the options of taking your own vehicle or renting one. Now, if your family car is newer, has a DVD player, and plenty of room, then it may be the best way to go to keep everyone busy. Otherwise, look into flying or renting a car for the trip.
**Does everyone have stuff to do? Keep the kids and spouse pre-occupied during the trip. Books, games, movies, toys, and so on are must have items. Remember, waiting in airports can be boring and long drives can be rough with antsy kids in the back. I am an adult and even I have a tough time. Don’t forget things to do while you’re there as well.
**Did you take care of the mundane details? Is the family pet taken care of? Did you consider travel insurance? What about other important documents? Did you get discount tickets and coupons? Who is watching the house, getting the mail, etc?? What is everyone packing and is there room for all that stuff? These are important details many people wait until the last minute or forget to handle causing them to rush around or make cell phone calls from the road. Don’t stress by figuring it all out in advance.
**Did you prepare your budget? Maybe you have a ton of money to take, which is what everyone wants. Don’t overdo it though. You can have an awesome vacation without a high-end budget (especially in Florida). I have seen people who go on champagne vacations with a beer budget. Remember, credit cards have to be paid back and the trip is only temporary. We agree, travel is a must, but be smart.
Are you ready to go? Be sure you plan your trip, find the best deals, shop for travel necessities before hand, and have fun doing it- there is a lot to do, but if you make it a headache it will be. If you make it fun and include everyone, then you’ll feel like you’re already on vacation!
Most of us work all year for a vacation. We see little time of each other and vacations are a great way to spend quality time together. Ensure you don’t become the Griswold’s with just a little planning!!
About the Author
Discount Florida Vacations will put you in Florida and make planning easier with our total Florida vacation guide: offering fun, sun, tips, ideas, checklists, help, recommendations, resources, experiences, & more for anyone traveling to Florida. You can find excellent information or plan your trip with us at? http://www.discount-florida-vacations.com/
Discount Florida Vacations will put you in Florida and make planning easier with our total Florida vacation guide: offering fun, sun, tips, ideas, checklists, help, recommendations, resources, experiences, & more for anyone traveling to Florida. You can find excellent information or plan your trip with us at? http://www.discount-florida-vacations.com/
Joe Collinsworth
Beach Vacation Photo Tips ? Make Your Vacation AND Photos Me
Most people, who go on a family beach vacation, take plenty of photographs. Once you're home and you view or print them out; are you ecstatic, bored, or disappointed? Be honest, now!
Does this sound familiar? You arrive at your destination, check the place out, and quickly change to go to the beach. Happily, you've remembered to take your sun block, nose plugs, and bathing suit. Maybe you remembered your camera, maybe you didn't.
Going on a family beach vacation brings up contradicting desires. On the one hand, you want everyone to have a wonderful, fun, relaxing, memorable vacation. On the other hand, most people don't want to do what's required to preserve the memories.
We will show you how to have the best of both worlds. By providing photography tips, you can capture outstanding beach vacation pictures, enjoy taking the photos, and ensure that when you look at the photos at home, you won't be thinking: "Was this OUR vacation!?!"
Can’t-Miss Beach Vacation Photo Tips
1) Packing the Right Equipment
When you pack for your dream beach vacation, remember these essential items: Camera, batteries, memory cards, camera case, battery chargers, external flash (if available), tripod, and portable digital storage device. If you have an abundance of memory, you can leave the storage device at home.
2) Consider These Purchases
I know you’re already spending more than you want to on the vacation. So the last thing you want is some stranger suggesting you spend more on photo accessories. But, read on and find out what these low cost accessories will do for you before you skip to Tip #3.
Consider purchasing a circular polarizer filter for your lens. STRONGLY consider it! It will be one of the least expensive accessories you can buy, and you will LOVE the results. What are the results? A bluer sky, the ability to see objects under water, and creating colors that will ‘pop’ off the page.
3) Insurance
Do you have insurance on your possessions? Did your camera cost more than $25.00? Then do yourself a big favor and buy a UV filter to place over your lens for protection. If your lens becomes damaged, your camera is ruined. You can probably get a good UV filter for under $20.00.
4) The Magical Landscape Shot
If there are colorful bluffs, harbors, or other landscape picture opportunities on your beach vacation, you want to capture them, of course. Not only that, but wouldn't it also be impressive to add some family member(s) to the shot and have the people AND the background in focus?
Set your F-stop for a high number (at least F-11, or at the "infinity" or "landscape" setting of your camera). Position the people in the foreground, the landscape in the background. Focus on your human subject(s), while being at least 15 feet away (25 is even better, if you have a telephoto).
Adjust the circular polarizer filter to obtain the desired shade of blue in the sky. Skip this step if you didn’t purchase a filter. Don’t worry, though. If you don’t like the vividness of the sky after the print is developed, you can always take out a magic marker and color the sky. (You didn’t hear that from me.)
Finally, gently squeeze the shutter and voila! A perfect ‘postcard’ photograph.
5) Silhouettes
Silhouette beach vacation pictures (or, non-beach vacation pictures for that matter) produce one of the most artistic and/or emotional-looking photographs possible. Most people never take silhouette photographs, and yet, they are just as easy as photographs taken during the day light.
The best time to take silhouette photos is from approximately 1 hour before sunset, to 1 hour after sunset. Use evaluative or matrix metering (which is probably your default metering mode anyway), and focus on the HUMAN SUBJECTS, with plenty of the cloud-filled sky in the background. Then compose the shot, as desired.
Did I mention that sunset shots without clouds are fairly disappointing? Sort of like winning the lottery and losing the ticket.
The silhouette effect results from the camera thinking the overall scene is brighter than it is, and therefore under-exposes the dark areas (human subjects).
To see sample photos and additional tips, check out http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/beach-vacation.html . Article courtesy of http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com , where you can see numerous sample pictures & photography tips on many subjects and events.Copyright 2005 Robert Bezman. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Robert Bezman is a professional photographer and owner of Custom Photographic Expressions. Robert has created http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com to help the digital photography users create better photographs. Robert has a blog at http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/family-photography-news.html
Does this sound familiar? You arrive at your destination, check the place out, and quickly change to go to the beach. Happily, you've remembered to take your sun block, nose plugs, and bathing suit. Maybe you remembered your camera, maybe you didn't.
Going on a family beach vacation brings up contradicting desires. On the one hand, you want everyone to have a wonderful, fun, relaxing, memorable vacation. On the other hand, most people don't want to do what's required to preserve the memories.
We will show you how to have the best of both worlds. By providing photography tips, you can capture outstanding beach vacation pictures, enjoy taking the photos, and ensure that when you look at the photos at home, you won't be thinking: "Was this OUR vacation!?!"
Can’t-Miss Beach Vacation Photo Tips
1) Packing the Right Equipment
When you pack for your dream beach vacation, remember these essential items: Camera, batteries, memory cards, camera case, battery chargers, external flash (if available), tripod, and portable digital storage device. If you have an abundance of memory, you can leave the storage device at home.
2) Consider These Purchases
I know you’re already spending more than you want to on the vacation. So the last thing you want is some stranger suggesting you spend more on photo accessories. But, read on and find out what these low cost accessories will do for you before you skip to Tip #3.
Consider purchasing a circular polarizer filter for your lens. STRONGLY consider it! It will be one of the least expensive accessories you can buy, and you will LOVE the results. What are the results? A bluer sky, the ability to see objects under water, and creating colors that will ‘pop’ off the page.
3) Insurance
Do you have insurance on your possessions? Did your camera cost more than $25.00? Then do yourself a big favor and buy a UV filter to place over your lens for protection. If your lens becomes damaged, your camera is ruined. You can probably get a good UV filter for under $20.00.
4) The Magical Landscape Shot
If there are colorful bluffs, harbors, or other landscape picture opportunities on your beach vacation, you want to capture them, of course. Not only that, but wouldn't it also be impressive to add some family member(s) to the shot and have the people AND the background in focus?
Set your F-stop for a high number (at least F-11, or at the "infinity" or "landscape" setting of your camera). Position the people in the foreground, the landscape in the background. Focus on your human subject(s), while being at least 15 feet away (25 is even better, if you have a telephoto).
Adjust the circular polarizer filter to obtain the desired shade of blue in the sky. Skip this step if you didn’t purchase a filter. Don’t worry, though. If you don’t like the vividness of the sky after the print is developed, you can always take out a magic marker and color the sky. (You didn’t hear that from me.)
Finally, gently squeeze the shutter and voila! A perfect ‘postcard’ photograph.
5) Silhouettes
Silhouette beach vacation pictures (or, non-beach vacation pictures for that matter) produce one of the most artistic and/or emotional-looking photographs possible. Most people never take silhouette photographs, and yet, they are just as easy as photographs taken during the day light.
The best time to take silhouette photos is from approximately 1 hour before sunset, to 1 hour after sunset. Use evaluative or matrix metering (which is probably your default metering mode anyway), and focus on the HUMAN SUBJECTS, with plenty of the cloud-filled sky in the background. Then compose the shot, as desired.
Did I mention that sunset shots without clouds are fairly disappointing? Sort of like winning the lottery and losing the ticket.
The silhouette effect results from the camera thinking the overall scene is brighter than it is, and therefore under-exposes the dark areas (human subjects).
To see sample photos and additional tips, check out http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/beach-vacation.html . Article courtesy of http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com , where you can see numerous sample pictures & photography tips on many subjects and events.Copyright 2005 Robert Bezman. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Robert Bezman is a professional photographer and owner of Custom Photographic Expressions. Robert has created http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com to help the digital photography users create better photographs. Robert has a blog at http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/family-photography-news.html
Robert Bezman
Fishing vacation 101
Universally, the term 'gone fishing' is associated with vacations. In that case planning a fishing vacation should be nothing more then a natural choice. Fishing combines sport, relaxation, communing with nature and free food and hence qualifies as the perfect vacation. From a weekend trip to the closest lake front camping ground to an adventurous and long packaged tour to the best fishing locales of the world, one has plenty of choices that could be made.
While planning a long fishing vacation, there are a couple of obvious choices to be made.First one being what type of fishing is most appealing. The most basic breakdown here is a choice between freshwater and saltwater fishing.
Fishing vacations come in various sizes and forms. They can be started with loading your car with fishing rods and sleeping bags or calling a travel agent or professional fishng guide.
These trips can be taken all the year round. Although the first thought is generally to catch the bass biting at the very onset of spring or the blues running in autumn. Trips can be made absolutely anytime of the year, even in the dead of the winter, just in case he angler has no aversions to cutting holes in the ice.
A properly planned vacation can be fun for all, irrespective of whether you are a novice or a very serious sportsman. The only essential purchase required is the fishing license, rest all can be rented. Rods and reels, boats and crews, which can even cater lunch, can be rented out.
It can be a way for families to spend time together while simultaneously enjoying the outdoors. Although the idea of skewering worms onto hooks may sound gross yet the vacation can be fun for the entire family. Fishing is a leisurely pastime and you don't have to excel at it to enjoy, and a total beginner might be just as good or even more than a seasoned pro.
Just because you are vegetarian, doesn't mean you can't have fun while fishing. One may use catch and release techniques for the fun of the sport.
While as said earlier, their can be several ways of going for fishing, however packaged tours certainly has some advantages. Best part here being that all the essentials are included right in the price. One need not carry all the equipment around, and thus the trip becomes more fun. Along with the trip, the vacationer also gets the expertise of the trip provider. Thus one need not hunt around for the best 'fishing hole' and thus the chances of returning empty handed are considerably reduced. Also at fairly reasonable prices one may also get lunch included in the package deal.
Toughest decision to be made while planning a trip is, where to go. Think globally as ther are plenty of scenic fishing spots which are a real treat for anyone interested. British Columbia in Canada boasts of beautiful wilderness and streams filled with great number of fishes of an ample of species. There are also the less exotic but easier on the pocket destination which can be good value for money. Prices for accommodations may range from 100$ to 300$. One may also like to make it a learning experience, by opting for a Fishing School package. It generally includes hands-on and personal tutoring regarding the ins and outs of fishing. All the equipment is provided by the school. Prices may be around 300$ per session , travel expenses excluded.About the author:Mansi gupta writes about fishing vacation . Learn more at http://www.uniquefishingvacations.com/.
While planning a long fishing vacation, there are a couple of obvious choices to be made.First one being what type of fishing is most appealing. The most basic breakdown here is a choice between freshwater and saltwater fishing.
Fishing vacations come in various sizes and forms. They can be started with loading your car with fishing rods and sleeping bags or calling a travel agent or professional fishng guide.
These trips can be taken all the year round. Although the first thought is generally to catch the bass biting at the very onset of spring or the blues running in autumn. Trips can be made absolutely anytime of the year, even in the dead of the winter, just in case he angler has no aversions to cutting holes in the ice.
A properly planned vacation can be fun for all, irrespective of whether you are a novice or a very serious sportsman. The only essential purchase required is the fishing license, rest all can be rented. Rods and reels, boats and crews, which can even cater lunch, can be rented out.
It can be a way for families to spend time together while simultaneously enjoying the outdoors. Although the idea of skewering worms onto hooks may sound gross yet the vacation can be fun for the entire family. Fishing is a leisurely pastime and you don't have to excel at it to enjoy, and a total beginner might be just as good or even more than a seasoned pro.
Just because you are vegetarian, doesn't mean you can't have fun while fishing. One may use catch and release techniques for the fun of the sport.
While as said earlier, their can be several ways of going for fishing, however packaged tours certainly has some advantages. Best part here being that all the essentials are included right in the price. One need not carry all the equipment around, and thus the trip becomes more fun. Along with the trip, the vacationer also gets the expertise of the trip provider. Thus one need not hunt around for the best 'fishing hole' and thus the chances of returning empty handed are considerably reduced. Also at fairly reasonable prices one may also get lunch included in the package deal.
Toughest decision to be made while planning a trip is, where to go. Think globally as ther are plenty of scenic fishing spots which are a real treat for anyone interested. British Columbia in Canada boasts of beautiful wilderness and streams filled with great number of fishes of an ample of species. There are also the less exotic but easier on the pocket destination which can be good value for money. Prices for accommodations may range from 100$ to 300$. One may also like to make it a learning experience, by opting for a Fishing School package. It generally includes hands-on and personal tutoring regarding the ins and outs of fishing. All the equipment is provided by the school. Prices may be around 300$ per session , travel expenses excluded.About the author:Mansi gupta writes about fishing vacation . Learn more at http://www.uniquefishingvacations.com/.
Mansi gupta
fishing vacation,
vacation ideas,
vacation tips
Cheap Vacations - Ten Ideas
Cheap vacations can still be relaxing, fun and whatever else you want them to be. Unlike cars and shoes, vacations don't get better according to price. Give up that expensive resort if you don't have the money, but don't give up your vacation. Try one of the following ideas instead.
1. Visit your friends.
The key here is to have friends with spare beds that live in interesting places. You've probably had friends tell you to come and stay a while, so why not take them up on it? I'm hoping my friends move to Hawaii.
2. Caretaking vacations.
Someone in California, Costa Rica or Colorado wants you to stay in their house while they're away. You'll have to water the plants, and maybe watch the cat, but you'll get to stay in a beautiful home. You may even get paid. To learn more caretaking opportunities, visit the Caretaker Gazette online.
3. Outdoor vacations.
Outdoor adventure doesn't need to be expensive. Just stay close to home, and use your imagination. On "Tom Sawyer Day" we hike up a river for hours, then build a raft from dead trees. Then we float on it back to the car. It's cheaper and more fun than a guided river trip. Where can you hike or bicycle for free?
4. Treasure hunting.
Take a trip to a ghost town or beach with a metal detector. In Arizona an old Mayan Indian showed us where to find arrowheads, semi-precious stones, and ancient pottery. Treasure hunting is cheap, and you might find something valuable as well.
5. Cheap beach combing vacations.
What's more relaxing than sitting on the beach with a drink? Restless? Start collecting seashells and driftwood. Bring a metal detector to find more valuable things. There are beaches in Florida where you can camp in your RV, and cheap motels on or near the beaches in Michigan.
6. Stay home.
Make a list of sights to see, and things you've always wanted to do that are within an hour of home. Spend a weekend or a week checking off your list. No expensive hotels or long-distance drives.
7. Shopping trips.
Cheap vacations don't normally involve shopping, but they can. Visit flea markets and rummage sales in some scenic corner of the country. Have a shopping adventure for less than a day at the mall.
8. Hotspring vacations.
Hotsprings in many parts of the United States are free or inexpensive to use. Camp in an R.V. or tent to keep it really cheap. Spend nights around the campfire and days soaking in hot water. My personal favorite is a beautiful place in Arizona (106 degree water), with hiking trails. We paid the $30 annual fee and stayed more than a week.
9. Greyhound bus travel.
Taking the bus is an alternative to expensive gasoline if you're traveling alone, and the trip itself is sure to be an adventure. Pick a nice place within a day's ride, pack a bag and go.
10. Camping vacations.
In Florida we stalked alligators and watched a dozen other forms of wildlife. Every night we sat around the fire with new friends from England and Texas. We escaped winter there for eight days in our van. There were hot showers, and the campground was free. Camping can be the cheapest of cheap vacations.
About the Author
Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled the U.S. and Mexico alone at 17. Now 40, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. To read their stories, tips and travel information, visit: http://www.everythingabouttravel.com/
1. Visit your friends.
The key here is to have friends with spare beds that live in interesting places. You've probably had friends tell you to come and stay a while, so why not take them up on it? I'm hoping my friends move to Hawaii.
2. Caretaking vacations.
Someone in California, Costa Rica or Colorado wants you to stay in their house while they're away. You'll have to water the plants, and maybe watch the cat, but you'll get to stay in a beautiful home. You may even get paid. To learn more caretaking opportunities, visit the Caretaker Gazette online.
3. Outdoor vacations.
Outdoor adventure doesn't need to be expensive. Just stay close to home, and use your imagination. On "Tom Sawyer Day" we hike up a river for hours, then build a raft from dead trees. Then we float on it back to the car. It's cheaper and more fun than a guided river trip. Where can you hike or bicycle for free?
4. Treasure hunting.
Take a trip to a ghost town or beach with a metal detector. In Arizona an old Mayan Indian showed us where to find arrowheads, semi-precious stones, and ancient pottery. Treasure hunting is cheap, and you might find something valuable as well.
5. Cheap beach combing vacations.
What's more relaxing than sitting on the beach with a drink? Restless? Start collecting seashells and driftwood. Bring a metal detector to find more valuable things. There are beaches in Florida where you can camp in your RV, and cheap motels on or near the beaches in Michigan.
6. Stay home.
Make a list of sights to see, and things you've always wanted to do that are within an hour of home. Spend a weekend or a week checking off your list. No expensive hotels or long-distance drives.
7. Shopping trips.
Cheap vacations don't normally involve shopping, but they can. Visit flea markets and rummage sales in some scenic corner of the country. Have a shopping adventure for less than a day at the mall.
8. Hotspring vacations.
Hotsprings in many parts of the United States are free or inexpensive to use. Camp in an R.V. or tent to keep it really cheap. Spend nights around the campfire and days soaking in hot water. My personal favorite is a beautiful place in Arizona (106 degree water), with hiking trails. We paid the $30 annual fee and stayed more than a week.
9. Greyhound bus travel.
Taking the bus is an alternative to expensive gasoline if you're traveling alone, and the trip itself is sure to be an adventure. Pick a nice place within a day's ride, pack a bag and go.
10. Camping vacations.
In Florida we stalked alligators and watched a dozen other forms of wildlife. Every night we sat around the fire with new friends from England and Texas. We escaped winter there for eight days in our van. There were hot showers, and the campground was free. Camping can be the cheapest of cheap vacations.
About the Author
Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled the U.S. and Mexico alone at 17. Now 40, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. To read their stories, tips and travel information, visit: http://www.everythingabouttravel.com/
Steve Gillman
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Jogjakarta - Dinda' wed
Ke Jogja dalam rangka Dinda - Tedy wedding, mama udah ngga ada...krucil ngga bisa diajak karena ngga libur... jadi agak kurang semangat ;( sebenernya pengen sekalian travel...tp waktunya terlalu sedikit... Bun-Abi aja cuma Sabtu-Minggu, tanpa krucil pula...jadi kurang seru sih ;( pdhl bw krucil bikin heboh, tp bikin happy ya...heboh tapi happy... sibuk tapi seneng...gitu... ;))
Berangkat naik KA Taksaka kamis-malam, sampai Jogja Jum'at subuh, dijemput om Yan... udah lama banget ngga ke Jogja. Terakhir ke Jogja dengan Mama n Liya, pas 'kerusuhan mei', hampir 10 thn yg lalu!!
Sampai rumah om Yan, kesibukan hajatan 'khas Indonesia' mulai kerasa ;-) acaranya sih dimulai Sabtu besok, saudara" juga pada datang Sabtu.
Yang datang duluan tuh... gw, trus agak siangan datang Leo, Novi, Keri, Ledi and the gank, mereka naik mobil... trus malamnya : Anda cs. Sabtu subuh : om Hadi sendiri (Firda kan udh di Jogja, mahasiswi UGM-sastra Inggris), siang : Temi-Santi, sorenya : om Ali, om Effi n the gank. Minggu subuh, rombongan terakhir : Te Wit (sendiri), Cicik n the gank.
Sabtu jam 10 ada pengajian, sorenya siraman, malamnya perkenalan kedua keluarga. Minggu pagi jam 8 akad nikah di rumah, lanjut resepsi jam 11 di gedung.
Senin malam pembubaran panitia (gw udah pulang ke jakarta, jadi ngga bisa cerita).
Setelah pengajian, gw dianter Bibi ke Hyatt, ketemuan dgn Abi-Bun yg baru sampai dr Jkt, trus qt makan siang di dekat hotel, hmmm... lupa nama resto-nya apa, pokoke interiornya Jawa banget, menu utamanyaberbagai nasi pecel, minumannya jg tradisional : kunyit-asem, gw pilih minuman jahe+gula merah (soale lg pilek...) pokoke ada yang segerr...ada yang anget... Kita pilih menu beda" trus saling icip-icip deh...
Hbs dari situ, kita pisah dgn Bibi, takutnya Bibi dicariin org rumah... (maunya sih Bibi 'diculik' biar jadi guide) ;)
Berpedoman majalah Wisata edisi Jogja, jalan-jalan deh kita ke tempat pengrajin tas anyaman di pelosok Jogja, untung ngga nyasar... padahal supir taxi juga ngga tau, papan penunjuk jalannya juga ngga ada. Bun hrs telpon bolak-balik nanyain jalannya... perjuangan juga kesana...bener-bener di pelosok, hrs naik kendaraan pribadi n tau jalan, sepiii... di tengah sawah dll. Taxi disuruh tunggu, ngga kebayang klo pulgnya hrs cari taxi, gmn juga caranya??? di pelosok desa gitu... Tasnya cakep-cakep...
Trus kita ke Malioboro...
Di Malioboro kita nyari sepatu titipan Dinda terus ke Mirota, liat" kerajinan... bagus" n lumayan murah (dibanding Jakarta loh...).
Besoknya setelah resepsi, ngaso dulu di hotel Hyatt, seberang tempat resepsi, landscape hotel bagus banget, cocok banget buat anak kecil (bikin bunda+abi nyesel banget ngga bisa bawa krucil), malemnya sekalian check-out, kita ke gudeg yu jum, menurut kabar ini gudeg ngetop banget. Menurut gw... kreceknya enak...pedes... tapi gudegnya muanisss... sori ya...lidah palembang bukan lidah Jawa sih... ;-)
Pulg dr Malioboro...Temi ngaso dulu...sambil milih-milih menu buat Bunda...seharusnya yg difoto landscape-nyahotel yg cakeep banget, cocok bgt klo bw krucil...(Bun jd inget kids gara" liat eksterior hotel yg cocok buatanak-anak itu...)
Ini foto stlh dari Malioboro, gedung apa ya di latar-belakang?? ;D
Ngga ada pemandu...jadi ngga tau ini lagi dimana??? Waktu di Malioboro ngga sempat foto", kan sibuk 'cuci mata'. Nunggu taxi lamaaa banget...mo naik kendaraan umum ngga ngerti.
Ini acara perkenalan keluarga kedua belah pihak, malam hari tgl 17 Mei, sayang beberapa saudara belum sampai, masih dalam perjalanan, termasuk om Is yg seharusnya jadi MC... jadi deh Anda 'ditodong' jadi MC dadakan.
Dinda diapit om Yan n tante Endang.
Ini keluarga pihak 'groom'.
Resepsi Minggu tgl 18 Mei digelar... pakai adat Palembang...yg full color...meriah... ;))
Firda feminin ya... ehem... ehem... ;)
Ade, Doni dgn istri disebelahnya.
Cicik dgn senyumnya yg zuper maniez...
Dinda waktu nari di pelaminan...tari apa ya namanya...lupa ;D
Bun-Abi jd among tamu...Wati-Anda jg jadi among tamu sih, tp ngga ada fotonya nih...
Om-om yg bajunya ngga perlu seragam...yg penting rambutnya seragam ya...putiiihh... ;)
Bgini nih klo mo foto bareng...ada yg siap...ada yg blm siap...
Naaah...ini kartu ucapan selamat buat penganten... handmade by me... hihi... maniez kan kartunya (narsis...), dibikin dari kertas kalkir dgn metode pergamano... (bingung kan apa???... silahkan liat blog gw yg laen), trus fotonya 'dipermak' dikit pake photoshop (software original loh... dapet dari 'fans'nya Dinda duluuu...banget... ;D, kertasnya warna pink sesuai warna favorit Dinda.
Ini foto baru koleksi gw, jadi seadanya...kurang fokus...ntar foto koleksi penganten klo udh dapet gw upload lagi deh.
Liputan ini bisa juga di akses juga di sini
Berangkat naik KA Taksaka kamis-malam, sampai Jogja Jum'at subuh, dijemput om Yan... udah lama banget ngga ke Jogja. Terakhir ke Jogja dengan Mama n Liya, pas 'kerusuhan mei', hampir 10 thn yg lalu!!
Sampai rumah om Yan, kesibukan hajatan 'khas Indonesia' mulai kerasa ;-) acaranya sih dimulai Sabtu besok, saudara" juga pada datang Sabtu.
Yang datang duluan tuh... gw, trus agak siangan datang Leo, Novi, Keri, Ledi and the gank, mereka naik mobil... trus malamnya : Anda cs. Sabtu subuh : om Hadi sendiri (Firda kan udh di Jogja, mahasiswi UGM-sastra Inggris), siang : Temi-Santi, sorenya : om Ali, om Effi n the gank. Minggu subuh, rombongan terakhir : Te Wit (sendiri), Cicik n the gank.
Sabtu jam 10 ada pengajian, sorenya siraman, malamnya perkenalan kedua keluarga. Minggu pagi jam 8 akad nikah di rumah, lanjut resepsi jam 11 di gedung.
Senin malam pembubaran panitia (gw udah pulang ke jakarta, jadi ngga bisa cerita).
Setelah pengajian, gw dianter Bibi ke Hyatt, ketemuan dgn Abi-Bun yg baru sampai dr Jkt, trus qt makan siang di dekat hotel, hmmm... lupa nama resto-nya apa, pokoke interiornya Jawa banget, menu utamanyaberbagai nasi pecel, minumannya jg tradisional : kunyit-asem, gw pilih minuman jahe+gula merah (soale lg pilek...) pokoke ada yang segerr...ada yang anget... Kita pilih menu beda" trus saling icip-icip deh...
Hbs dari situ, kita pisah dgn Bibi, takutnya Bibi dicariin org rumah... (maunya sih Bibi 'diculik' biar jadi guide) ;)
Berpedoman majalah Wisata edisi Jogja, jalan-jalan deh kita ke tempat pengrajin tas anyaman di pelosok Jogja, untung ngga nyasar... padahal supir taxi juga ngga tau, papan penunjuk jalannya juga ngga ada. Bun hrs telpon bolak-balik nanyain jalannya... perjuangan juga kesana...bener-bener di pelosok, hrs naik kendaraan pribadi n tau jalan, sepiii... di tengah sawah dll. Taxi disuruh tunggu, ngga kebayang klo pulgnya hrs cari taxi, gmn juga caranya??? di pelosok desa gitu... Tasnya cakep-cakep...
Harganya itu loh, cuma 40rb tas anyaman gede, entah yg kecil berapa, ngga nanya... ada juga yg mahal tas anyaman kulit 200rb tapi bagus banget, rapi...
di pelosok desa bgitu ada barang" cantik banget...Ternyata itu pengrajin main ordernya utk luarnegeri, termasuk ostrali loh... jumlahnya kontainer. Jadi dia menampung hasil kerajinan desa itu, trus di ekspor ke luarnegeri, hmmm... hebat ya... TOB BGT deh...Trus kita ke Malioboro...
Di Malioboro kita nyari sepatu titipan Dinda terus ke Mirota, liat" kerajinan... bagus" n lumayan murah (dibanding Jakarta loh...).
Besoknya setelah resepsi, ngaso dulu di hotel Hyatt, seberang tempat resepsi, landscape hotel bagus banget, cocok banget buat anak kecil (bikin bunda+abi nyesel banget ngga bisa bawa krucil), malemnya sekalian check-out, kita ke gudeg yu jum, menurut kabar ini gudeg ngetop banget. Menurut gw... kreceknya enak...pedes... tapi gudegnya muanisss... sori ya...lidah palembang bukan lidah Jawa sih... ;-)
Taxi nungguin...susah sih nyari taxi di Jogja ;-( Langsung ke rumah om Yan, pamit. Perkiraan Abi n Bun pesawat berangkat jam 21, jadi santai aja di rumah om Yan, taunya pas di cek... pesawat berangkat jam 20!!! Waktu itu udah jam 19.30!! Langsung terbirit-birit ke bandara... Kata bunda, baru kali itu dia berdoa pesawat delayed... =))
Untung aja nyampe bandara pas"an, kebetulan ngga ada bagasi, 5 menit kemudian pesawat berangkat...halah... ada" aja...Pulg dr Malioboro...Temi ngaso dulu...sambil milih-milih menu buat Bunda...seharusnya yg difoto landscape-nyahotel yg cakeep banget, cocok bgt klo bw krucil...(Bun jd inget kids gara" liat eksterior hotel yg cocok buatanak-anak itu...)
Ini foto stlh dari Malioboro, gedung apa ya di latar-belakang?? ;D
Ngga ada pemandu...jadi ngga tau ini lagi dimana??? Waktu di Malioboro ngga sempat foto", kan sibuk 'cuci mata'. Nunggu taxi lamaaa banget...mo naik kendaraan umum ngga ngerti.
Ini acara perkenalan keluarga kedua belah pihak, malam hari tgl 17 Mei, sayang beberapa saudara belum sampai, masih dalam perjalanan, termasuk om Is yg seharusnya jadi MC... jadi deh Anda 'ditodong' jadi MC dadakan.
Dinda diapit om Yan n tante Endang.
Ini keluarga pihak 'groom'.
Resepsi Minggu tgl 18 Mei digelar... pakai adat Palembang...yg full color...meriah... ;))
Firda feminin ya... ehem... ehem... ;)
Ade, Doni dgn istri disebelahnya.
Cicik dgn senyumnya yg zuper maniez...
Dinda waktu nari di pelaminan...tari apa ya namanya...lupa ;D
Bun-Abi jd among tamu...Wati-Anda jg jadi among tamu sih, tp ngga ada fotonya nih...
Om-om yg bajunya ngga perlu seragam...yg penting rambutnya seragam ya...putiiihh... ;)
Bgini nih klo mo foto bareng...ada yg siap...ada yg blm siap...
Naaah...ini kartu ucapan selamat buat penganten... handmade by me... hihi... maniez kan kartunya (narsis...), dibikin dari kertas kalkir dgn metode pergamano... (bingung kan apa???... silahkan liat blog gw yg laen), trus fotonya 'dipermak' dikit pake photoshop (software original loh... dapet dari 'fans'nya Dinda duluuu...banget... ;D, kertasnya warna pink sesuai warna favorit Dinda.
Ini foto baru koleksi gw, jadi seadanya...kurang fokus...ntar foto koleksi penganten klo udh dapet gw upload lagi deh.
Liputan ini bisa juga di akses juga di sini
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